Ever been caught watching a girl in the shower? I did once and it was pretty embarrassing. My mom had a favorite best friend and this woman had a daughter my age. She wasn’t super hot, but she also wasn’t a horse face either.
One day when I was at their house our moms stepped out to go to the store. I assumed they were going shopping at a clothing store and would be gone for a while, but I guess they were just going out to get some more liquor.
While they were out I heard the shower start up and went down the hallway to investigate. For the sake of making it easy we will just call the daughter Teen Lesley for now.
I was able to pick the lock quite easily on the bathroom door and when I opened it a crack I got to peak at her cute little bum. My cock got so hard so fast I swear it thumbed audibly against the door jamb.
As she showered I pulled out my cock and started stroking it hoping she wouldn’t see that the door was cracked open. Her shower doors were perfectly see through, where as mine had that glass that makes everything all blurry.
Right as I was about to blow my load the garage door right behind me opened and her mom walked in! I just about shit myself and had no time to hide my hardon. Her mom smiled at me and told me not be embar-rassed. She told me that looking was OK, but I couldn’t touch… yet!
I noticed my mom wasn’t with her. That was good. But she was still standing there looking at me with my cock in my hand. Then she pointed at the door and told me to go ahead and look at her daughter’s naked body.
Not wanting to get in trouble I did as I was told. As I began to pump again and dreamed of sucking on her daughters perky tits she knelt in front of me and took my cock into her mouth!
With Teen Lesley shaving her pussy in the shower and her mom’s warm mouth working my cock I couldn’t hold back for long. I shot my hot cum down her mom’s throat. To my surprise she had swallowed all of it as it was spurting into her mouth.
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